Peace Lily Buyers Guide ( In 4 Steps )

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So, you’ve decided to bring the tranquility of nature into your home by purchasing a peace lily. Great choice! Peace lilies, scientifically known as Spathiphyllum, are not just ordinary houseplants; they are elegant, low-maintenance, and air-purifying wonders that can transform any space into a serene oasis. However, before you embark on your journey to buy the perfect peace lily, there are a few essential things you need to consider. Let’s dive into the ultimate Peace Lily Buyers Guide, exploring how to buy a peace lily, the differences between online and offline purchases, and what to look for when selecting the ideal plant for your home.

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How to Buy a Peace Lily: A Brief Overview

Purchasing a peace lily might seem like a straightforward task, but with the plethora of options available both online and offline, it’s crucial to know what you’re looking for. The first step in your peace lily buying journey is understanding your space. Peace lilies come in various sizes, ranging from petite tabletop plants to larger floor specimens. Consider the available space in your home and choose a size that complements your interior while allowing the plant to thrive. If you want to know the difference between peace lilies and cast iron plants then check out my recent article Peace Lily Vs Cast Iron Plant.

Buying Online vs. Offline: The Pros and Cons

Once you’ve decided on the size, the next decision is whether to buy your peace lily online or from a local brick-and-mortar store. Each option has its pros and cons, so let’s weigh them out.

Buying Online:

Online shopping offers convenience and a vast array of choices right at your fingertips. You can explore numerous nurseries and sellers without leaving the comfort of your home. However, when buying online, you must be cautious about the source. Reputable websites and online marketplaces often provide detailed descriptions and customer reviews, helping you make an informed decision. If you want to know the difference between peace lilies and birds of paradise plants then check out my recent article Peace Lily Vs Bird Of Paradise ( 10 Differences ).

Pros of Buying Online:

  • Variety: You can access a wide range of peace lilies from different sellers.
  • Convenience: Shop anytime, anywhere, without the need to travel.
  • Reviews: Read customer reviews to gauge the quality and satisfaction of previous buyers.

Cons of Buying Online:

  • Quality Concerns: You cannot physically inspect the plant before purchase, which might lead to disappointments if the delivered plant doesn’t meet your expectations.
  • Shipping Challenges: Plants can get damaged during transit, affecting their health.

Buying Offline:

Purchasing a peace lily from a local store or nursery allows you to inspect the plant firsthand. You can touch the leaves, check for pests, and assess its overall health. Additionally, local plant stores often have knowledgeable staff who can provide valuable guidance. If you want to know the difference between peace lilies and prayer plants then check out my recent article Peace Lily Vs Prayer Plant ( Top 10 Differences ).

Pros of Buying Offline:

  • Inspection: You can physically examine the plant before buying, ensuring it meets your standards.
  • Expert Advice: Local nurseries often have experienced staff who can offer advice on care and maintenance.
  • Support Local Businesses: By buying from local stores, you support small businesses in your community.

Cons of Buying Offline:

  • Limited Variety: Local stores might have a more limited selection compared to online sellers.
  • Travel: You need to travel to the store, which might be inconvenient for some buyers.

Things to Look for When Buying Peace Lilies

Now that you’ve decided on the size and where to make your purchase, let’s delve into the specific aspects you should consider when selecting a peace lily.

Size of the Plant

The size of your peace lily matters, not only for aesthetic reasons but also for its overall health. Smaller plants are easier to manage and fit well in compact spaces. Larger specimens, on the other hand, make a bold statement but require more room and care. Consider your available space and choose a size that allows the plant to thrive without feeling cramped.


The foliage of a peace lily is its most striking feature. Look for plants with vibrant, lush, and glossy leaves. Healthy foliage indicates a well-cared-for plant. Avoid peace lilies with yellow or brown leaves, as these could be signs of overwatering, underwatering, or disease. Ideally, the leaves should be evenly green, without spots or discoloration.


A bushy peace lily signifies a robust, well-developed plant. When examining a potential purchase, observe the plant’s overall shape. It should have multiple stems and leaves, creating a dense, full appearance. Avoid plants that look sparse or leggy, as they might not be as healthy or vigorous.

Overall Health

The overall health of the peace lily is paramount. Check for signs of pests, such as tiny insects or webs on the leaves. Inspect the soil for any mold or unusual odors, which could indicate rotting roots. Healthy roots are usually white or light tan, while dark or mushy roots indicate a problem. Additionally, look for any signs of wilting or drooping, which could indicate underwatering or stress.