Peace Lily Vs Bird Of Paradise ( 10 Differences )

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In the lush realm of indoor plants, the Peace Lily and Bird of Paradise emerge as captivating contenders, each boasting unique characteristics that bewitch plant enthusiasts worldwide. Delving into the verdant realm, we unravel the tale of these green champions, exploring their origins, distinctive traits, and the nuanced art of nurturing them.

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What is a Peace Lily?

The Peace Lily, scientifically known as Spathiphyllum, is an emblem of tranquility in the plant kingdom. Its glossy, lance-shaped leaves drape elegantly, forming a backdrop for the ethereal, white spathes that resemble delicate hankies peeking from a pocket. This plant, native to the tropical regions of America and Southeastern Asia, flourishes in low-light conditions, making it a popular choice for indoor spaces that crave a touch of serenity. If you want to know the difference between peace lilies and prayer plants then check out my recent article Peace Lily Vs Prayer Plant ( Top 10 Differences ).

What are Bird of Paradise Plants?

On the opposing side of this green battle stands the Bird of Paradise, or Strelitzia reginae. Originating from South Africa, this majestic plant is the epitome of tropical grandeur. Its broad, banana-like leaves fan out artistically, embracing the surroundings with a verdant aura. When mature, the Bird of Paradise graces the world with vivacious, bird-like orange and blue flowers, a spectacle that epitomizes its name.

Differences in Care for Peace Lilies and Bird of Paradise


The Peace Lily, with its modest height and elegant demeanor, is a master of subtlety. Its snowy blooms stand out against the deep green backdrop, creating a captivating contrast. In contrast, the Bird of Paradise commands attention with its sizable, arching leaves and vibrant, avian-colored flowers. The sheer grandiosity of its appearance makes it a statement piece in any botanical collection. If you want to know between peace lilies and snake plants then check out my recent article Peace Lily Vs Snake Plant ( 10 Main Differences ).


Peace Lilies are relatively undemanding, thriving in low light and high humidity. They are the ideal companions for busy urbanites, requiring minimal maintenance while adding a touch of natural beauty to their homes. On the other hand, Bird of Paradise plants demand more care and attention. They yearn for bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. While their demands might be higher, the reward is an astonishing display of tropical allure.


While both plants boast enchanting beauty, they harbor a dark secret: toxicity. Peace Lilies contain calcium oxalate crystals, which, when ingested, can cause irritation and discomfort. Bird of Paradise plants, although captivating, are also toxic, with the potential to cause mild to moderate symptoms if consumed. For households with pets or small children, it’s crucial to place these botanical wonders out of reach. If you want to know the difference between peace lilies and easter lilies then check out my recent article Peace Lily Vs Easter Lily ( 10 Main Differences ).


Peace Lily Varieties

Within the realm of Peace Lilies, diversity prevails. The most common variety, Spathiphyllum wallisii, displays the classic elegance of the species. However, cultivators have produced hybrids like the Spathiphyllum ‘Mauna Loa’, boasting larger and showier blooms, adding a touch of extravagance to the plant’s modest demeanor.

Bird of Paradise Varieties

Bird of Paradise plants, with their bold presence, come primarily in two species: Strelitzia reginae, the orange-flowered species, and Strelitzia nicolai, recognized for its white blooms. Each variety exudes a unique charm, making it a matter of personal preference when choosing between the two.

Growing Conditions

Peace Lily Growing Conditions

Peace Lilies prefer a consistent, humid environment. They flourish in temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C) and detest the chill of drafts. Regular watering, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between watering sessions, ensures their well-being.

Bird of Paradise Growing Conditions

Bird of Paradise plants, akin to their tropical origins, adore warmth and sunlight. They thrive in temperatures ranging from 65°F to 70°F (18°C to 21°C). Ensuring they bask in indirect sunlight and maintaining well-draining soil that doesn’t stay soggy is paramount for their optimal growth.


Peace Lily Flowers

Peace Lilies’ blooms, often mistaken for delicate petals, are actually specialized leaves known as spathes. These spathes envelop a spadix, a cylindrical structure, which houses the plant’s true flowers. Despite their seemingly fragile nature, Peace Lily blooms are resilient, lasting several weeks when nurtured properly.

Bird of Paradise Flowers

Bird of Paradise flowers, resembling the plumage of tropical birds, are a sight to behold. The orange sepals and blue petals create a vibrant spectacle. However, these magnificent blooms are not easily earned. Bird of Paradise plants often take several years to mature and produce flowers, requiring patience and dedication from their caretakers.


Peace Lily Foliage

Peace Lily leaves are a deep, luscious green, adorned with a glossy sheen that adds to their elegance. The lance-shaped leaves arch gracefully, creating a cascading effect that enhances their visual appeal. Despite their delicate appearance, Peace Lily leaves are surprisingly sturdy, making them resilient against minor mishaps.

Bird of Paradise Foliage

In the Bird of Paradise camp, the foliage steals the show. The leaves, large and paddle-shaped, extend dramatically, creating a sense of opulence. Their vibrant green hue coupled with the architectural precision of their arrangement makes them a favorite among plant aficionados. However, their size demands adequate space, making them more suitable for spacious interiors.


Both the Peace Lily and Bird of Paradise can be propagated, but the methods differ significantly.

Peace Lily Propagation

Peace Lilies can be propagated through division. During repotting, the plant can be carefully divided, ensuring each segment has roots attached. These divisions can then be potted individually, creating new Peace Lily plants. This method, while simple, requires patience, as the newly potted divisions take time to establish themselves.

Bird of Paradise Propagation

Bird of Paradise plants, on the other hand, are typically propagated via division as well, albeit a bit more challenging. Dividing a Bird of Paradise plant requires a sharp tool to cut through the rhizome, ensuring each division has both roots and leaves. It’s a delicate process that demands precision and care to avoid harming the plant. However, the reward of successfully propagated Bird of Paradise plants is worth the effort.


Peace Lily Habitat

In the wild, Peace Lilies thrive on the forest floors of tropical rainforests. Their ability to adapt to low-light conditions and their penchant for moist, well-shaded environments make them a vital part of the undergrowth, contributing to the lush ambiance of their native habitats.

Bird of Paradise Habitat

Bird of Paradise plants, true to their tropical nature, call the sunny coasts of South Africa their home. They flourish in regions with abundant sunlight, well-draining soil, and consistent warmth. In their natural habitat, these plants play a role in the intricate tapestry of tropical biodiversity, standing tall as guardians of the landscape.


Peace Lily Watering

Peace Lilies, accustomed to the humid depths of the rainforest, appreciate regular, moderate watering. It’s essential to maintain moist soil without allowing the plant to sit in standing water, which can lead to root rot. Consistency in watering, ensuring the soil is evenly moist but not waterlogged, is the key to a thriving Peace Lily.

Bird of Paradise Watering

Bird of Paradise plants prefer a slightly drier approach. While they appreciate regular watering during their active growing season, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings prevents overwatering, a common pitfall that can lead to root issues. Monitoring the soil’s moisture level and adjusting the watering frequency accordingly is the secret to keeping these majestic plants in optimal condition.