Why Are My Alliums Falling Over? ( Top 6 Reasons )

Most Alliums have relatively sturdy stems and they stay upright without needing any help, this is why it is rarely recommended to stake Alliums. With that being said, sometimes Alliums simply fall over, either in the middle of the night …

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Allium Seeds VS Bulbs ( Pros & Cons )

Alliums can be grown both from seeds and from bulbs as well, although most people tend to plant bulbs instead of seeds. When deciding if you want to plant Allium seeds or bulbs you should consider how large your garden …

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When And How To Divide Alliums? ( Easy Guide )

Allium bulbs tend to multiply relatively easily as long as the local conditions are ideal for them. It usually takes 2-3 years until the bulbs will start to multiply, so in theory, you should get new Alliums in your garden …

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Do Allium Bulbs Multiply? ( How Fast? )

One of the main reasons why so many people tend to grow Alliums in their gardens is because they tend to self seed relatively easily. In addition to this, the Allium bulbs also multiply as long as the soil conditions …

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