Domino Peace Lily ( Variegated Peace Lily Care )

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We absolutely adore peace lilies for their lush, hassle-free nature. However, there’s a variegated peace lily cultivar called ‘Domino’ (Spathiphyllum wallisii ‘Domino’) that elevates the concept of verdant beauty. These easy-to-care-for houseplants are renowned for their striking, striped patterns adorning their rich green leaves, spanning from pale green to creamy hues. Furthermore, they grace your space with captivating white blossoms.

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Domino Peace Lily

Peace lilies are outstanding indoor plants suitable for almost any location within the United States. Alongside their luxuriant and aesthetically pleasing patterned leaves, they will produce graceful white blooms when provided with the ideal environment. To maintain the vitality and neat appearance of your plant, simply trim away any dead leaves and spent flowers at the base. While their care regimen closely resembles that of standard peace lilies, it’s worth noting that they tend to exhibit a slightly slower growth rate and may benefit from a touch more sunlight. If the leaves of your peace lilies are not unfolding then check out my recent article Peace Lily Leaves Not Unfurling ( Top 8 Reasons ).


Place your variegated peace lily in an area bathed in abundant, gentle, indirect light, or beneath the soft, filtered sunlight that filters through dappled shade. Direct morning sunlight, like that from an east-facing window, is also suitable. However, be cautious about exposing it to intense, direct sun streaming through a west or south-facing window, as this can potentially scorch the plant’s leaves. While peace lilies can endure lower light conditions, be aware that your plant might lose its leaf variegation and experience delayed flowering in such situations. If the leaves of your peace lilies are small then check out my recent article Why Are My Peace Lily Leaves So Small? ( Top 7 Reasons ).


For optimal growth, the ‘Domino’ peace lily thrives in a potting mix that is adequately moist and well-drained, enriched with abundant organic matter. Consider using a potting soil blend that incorporates elements like orchid bark or perlite along with organic compost.


Maintain consistent soil moisture for your variegated peace lily, ensuring it remains evenly moist without becoming waterlogged or excessively dry. Initially, aim for a weekly watering routine, but always assess the soil’s moisture level before proceeding. When you do water, ensure a thorough soak, allowing water to flow through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. Be vigilant about checking drip trays to prevent the plant from sitting in excess water. If your peace lily is not growing then check out my recent article Peace Lily Not Growing ( Top 8 Reasons ).


This tropical jungle plant thrives in warm, humid environments. In regions with warm climates, you can consider relocating them outdoors during the summer when nighttime temperatures consistently exceed 70 degrees Fahrenheit.


With an organic-rich potting mix, your peace lily typically requires minimal fertilization to thrive. Excessive fertilizer application can potentially harm the leaf tips and roots. It’s advisable to nourish your plant using a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer, diluted to one-quarter strength, approximately every six weeks. Commence this feeding regimen in early spring and maintain it through the active growth phase of summer.

Cease fertilization during the fall and then resume in late winter of the following year. If you notice green, stunted flowers, this could indicate an excess of nitrogen. In such cases, consider switching to a fertilizer specially formulated for flowering plants.

How To Propagate Domino Peace Lily

Variegated peace lilies can be propagated through a method called division. Repotting presents an excellent opportunity to divide and multiply your plant while refreshing its soil.

  1. Carefully remove your variegated peace lily from its pot. Gently use your fingers to loosen the soil around the root ball.
  2. Delicately separate the root ball into clumps. Depending on your plant’s age, you might need to employ a clean, sterilized knife or gardening shears to cut through the root ball. Ensure that each division has both roots and at least a couple of leaves.
  3. Plant each clump into an appropriately-sized pot filled with fresh potting soil, ensuring that the soil level in the new pot matches that of the original pot.
  4. Thoroughly water the soil and place your divisions in a warm location with bright, indirect light. Do not apply fertilizer to the plants for a minimum of two months.

Potting Domino Peace Lilies

Variegated peace lilies are generally content with a slightly snug pot space (especially since variegated varieties tend to have a slower growth rate). However, if you observe roots emerging from the drainage holes at the bottom of the container or if water struggles to penetrate the soil due to dense root growth, it’s advisable to consider repotting. Spring is the optimal season for this task. You can transplant your variegated peace lily into a pot that is one size larger than the current one, filling it with fresh soil.

Pests And Diseases

Variegated peace lilies are susceptible to certain typical indoor plant pests, with mealybugs and scale being notable concerns. You can identify mealybugs by the presence of cottony growths on the undersides of leaves and around the plant’s base. Scale insects, on the other hand, appear as flat, brown spots and often leave sticky sap behind. To address these pests, gently remove them from the leaves using a cotton swab or cotton ball saturated with rubbing alcohol.

Getting Domino Peace Lilies To Bloom

Variegated peace lilies may require some patience before they bloom, so don’t be concerned if your plant doesn’t produce flowers immediately. However, if your variegated peace lily isn’t flowering, it’s likely due to insufficient light. This is particularly true for variegated plant varieties like this one, which contain less chlorophyll and thus need more light than non-variegated plants to thrive.

Relocate your plant to an area with ample bright, indirect light (avoiding direct sunlight). This adjustment will not only promote flowering but also help the plant maintain its attractive patterns.