Peace Lily Vs Anthurium ( 7 Main Differences )

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In the lush world of indoor plants, two contenders stand out amidst the greenery – the Peace Lily and the Anthurium. Let’s dive into the fascinating realm of foliage and flowers, dissecting the nuances that set these green companions apart.

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What is a Peace Lily?

Peace Lily, scientifically known as Spathiphyllum, is more than just a plant; it’s an emblem of tranquility. Its glossy, lance-shaped leaves and elegant white blooms make it a favorite among plant enthusiasts. This perennial evergreen native to tropical regions of the Americas has found its way into homes worldwide, spreading calmness and beauty in its wake. If you want to know the differences between peace lilies and calla lilies then check out my recent article Peace Lily Vs Calla Lily ( Top 8 Differences ).

What is Anthurium?

Anthurium, on the other hand, is the flamboyant cousin in the family of Araceae. Known for its heart-shaped, vibrant spathes, Anthurium adds a touch of exotic allure to any room. Originating from the rainforests of Central and South America, these plants, also called “flamingo flowers” or “laceleaf,” boast a captivating array of colors, from deep reds to lively pinks.

Peace Lily Vs Anthurium

Growing Conditions

Peace Lily: Peace Lilies thrive in moderate, indirect light. Too much sunlight can scorch their leaves, making them droopy. They prefer well-draining soil and a humid environment, making them ideal for bathrooms or kitchens.

Anthurium: Anthuriums demand a bit more attention. They flourish in bright, indirect light. A balance between light and shade is crucial, ensuring their vivid spathes retain their vibrancy. Well-draining soil is essential, and they appreciate a slightly higher humidity level.


Peace Lily: While their name suggests serenity, Peace Lilies harbor a hidden danger. They contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause discomfort if ingested. Keep them away from curious pets and children.

Anthurium: Anthuriums wear their toxicity on their sleeve. All parts of the Anthurium plant contain calcium oxalate crystals, making them irritating to the mouth and digestive tract. Exercise caution around pets and children.


Peace Lily: Peace Lilies are renowned for their elegant white spathes, symbolizing purity and rebirth. These blooms exude grace and simplicity, making them a symbol of sympathy and renewal, often used in funeral arrangements.

Anthurium: Anthuriums showcase an astonishing diversity in colors, ranging from classic reds and pinks to unusual greens and purples. Their heart-shaped spathes are often mistaken for flowers, but the true blooms are the tiny structures clustered on the spadix. If you love big plants then check out my recent article Sensation Peace Lily ( Step By Step Guide ).


Peace Lily: Peace Lily leaves are a vibrant shade of green and can grow quite large, adding a lush, tropical vibe to any space. Their glossy texture enhances their aesthetic appeal, making them a popular choice for interior decoration.

Anthurium: Anthurium leaves are broad, glossy, and heart-shaped, adding a touch of drama to their overall appearance. Their dark green hue contrasts beautifully with their colorful spathes, creating a captivating visual impact.


Peace Lily: Peace Lilies are relatively easy to propagate. They can be divided during repotting, ensuring each division has both roots and leaves. Alternatively, they can be propagated from seeds, although this method requires patience and care.

Anthurium: Anthuriums can be propagated through division or stem cuttings. A healthy stem with a few leaves can be rooted in water until it develops roots, then transferred to soil. This process demands attention to detail but is rewarding when successful. If you love variegated peace lilies then check out my recent article ( Top 3 ) Variegated Peace Lily Varieties.


Peace Lily: Peace Lilies hail from the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. They are understory plants, thriving beneath the canopy in the dappled sunlight that filters through the dense foliage above.

Anthurium: Anthuriums share their origins with Peace Lilies, originating in the rainforests of Central and South America. They grow as epiphytes, clinging to trees and rocks, absorbing nutrients and moisture from their surroundings.

How Much Water They Need

Peace Lily: Peace Lilies prefer slightly moist soil. They should be watered thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain away. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s essential to let the top inch of soil dry out before the next watering.

Anthurium: Anthuriums enjoy consistent moisture but detest soggy conditions. Watering when the top inch of soil feels dry is a good rule of thumb. Proper drainage is crucial to prevent waterlogged roots, ensuring the plant thrives.

Is an Anthurium a Peace Lily?

In the grand tapestry of flora, the Peace Lily and Anthurium emerge as distinct threads, each weaving its unique story. While both plants share a common ancestry in the tropical rainforests of the Americas, they have evolved into distinct personalities, catering to different tastes and preferences.