Can I Transplant Lilies In Summer? ( Top 8 Precautions To Take )

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Most gardeners make small edits to their garden even during the summer, although the summer is not the ideal time for transplanting anything but sometimes we have no other option. Usually, people who are just setting up their garden will make massive changes even during the summer, new ideas and new plants can drastically change how we see our gardens. That is the beauty of a flower garden, it is always evolving and you shouldn’t let summer stop you from making smaller edits to the garden.

During the summer, lilies are susceptible to sunburn, so it’s recommended to avoid transplanting them during this time. However, if you must move them, ensure they receive ample shade and mulch the surrounding area with compost or bark chips. This will help keep their roots cool and provide protection from the intense heat of the sun.

If you want to transplant the bulbs as effortlessly and as fast as possible then my personal recommendation is to use a bedding plant auger Click here to check it out on

Your main goal while transplanting lilies is to make sure that they do not get damaged. Lilies are mostly single-stemmed plants, and if the item gets damaged it can take a while after the lilies recover. In addition to this, you have to be really careful when you are digging up the lily bulbs, dig too close to the bulb and you might end up damaging the bulb. There are some people who actually divide their lily bulbs in the summer.

The main reason for this is because they can actually see what the garden will look like, and instantly get the gratification of transplanting the lilies to a new and better-looking spot. If you want to transplant lilies in the summer then make sure that you won’t transplant them for the rest of the year. If you want to grow Stargazer Lilies in pots then check out my recent article How To Grow Stargazer Lilies In Pots ( In 7 Easy Steps ).

Can I Transplant Lilies In Summer?

Transplanting lilies in the summer can be a bit challenging as it is not the ideal time for this task. Lilies prefer to be transplanted in the fall or early spring when they are dormant. However, if you need to transplant lilies during the summer, it’s important to take some precautions to ensure their successful relocation. Start by preparing the new planting site by loosening the soil and adding compost or organic matter to improve its fertility and drainage.

Dig up the lilies from their current location, taking care to minimize root damage. Immediately replant them in their new spot, ensuring that the soil is evenly moist. Provide shade for the transplanted lilies for a few days to help them recover from the stress of transplanting. Water them regularly and mulch around the plants to retain moisture and suppress weed growth.

Water Them Before Transplanting

Ideally, you should water your lilies a day before you do the transplant, this way the transplant shock will not be so severe. This will make it a lot easier to dig the lily bulbs up, and you are less likely to damage the bulbs. You should water the soil around the lilies as well, just to soften it up a bit. Make sure not to overwater as this will only make transplant shock even worse and the lilies might not recover. If you want to know what to do after your lilies have flowered then check out my recent article What To Do When Lilies Have Finished Flowering? ( Top 6 Chores ).

Dig 7 Inches Away From The Lily Stem

It is extremely important to dig around 7 inches from the lily stems, this is plenty of space for the bulbs and it is very unlikely that you will damage the bulbs. Some bulbs that are still dormant or the stem has not broken the surface yet might get damaged. Try to remember how many lily bulbs you have planted, if you planted 10 and you only see 5 stems then the others have either rotten or they didn’t come up yet, so make sure to dig around them. If you want to know how to grow lilies in pits then check out my recent article How To Care For Potted Lilies ( In 7 Easy Steps ).

Remove Sick Lily Bulbs

If you are going to make the lily transplant in the middle of the summer then it is a good idea to do some maintenance for the plants as well. After you have dug up the bulbs then make sure to separate the sick from the healthy ones. Lily bulbs are prone to bulb rot, so if one of the bulbs is rotting then remove it and also remove the ones that look healthy but one of their sides looks like it’s starting the rot.

It only takes one rotten lily bulb to get all the other bulbs to rot.

Prepare The New Spot

Some people will say that you need to prepare the new spot a couple of days before you actually transplant the lilies. My personal recommendation is to prepare the spot and actually do the transplant on the same day. Once you have transplanted the lilies place on top of them some high-quality soil, and most importantly place some of the topsoils back as well, as this topsoil already has the beneficial bacteria living in them.

Transplant The Lilies During The Morning Or Evening

You should really avoid transplanting your lilies in the middle of the day, this will only make the transplant shock even worse. Ideally, you should wait for a cloudy day and make the transplant in the evening or in the morning. Newly transplanted plants will struggle for a couple of days if left under the full sun, so waiting for a rainy or cloudy period is always a good idea. If you have no other choice but to transplant in the middle of the afternoon sun, then use an umbrella, and most importantly don’t let the lily bulbs and roots dry out completely.

Give Some Shade For The Newly Transplanted Lilies

Lilies do love full sun, but newly transplanted lilies will start to wilt if they are in full sun all day long, and no amount of watering will help. If the new spot for the lilies will be a full sun location then provide them with some shade for the first week, something as simple as an umbrella will do the job. If the new spot for the lilies is in partial shade then you can skip this part.

Water The Lilies Lightly After Transplanting

Most people go overboard when it comes to watering the newly transplanted plants, there is no reason to do this and might actually make the transplant shock even worse. If you have clay soil then the odds are that the water will simply collect at the bottom of the holes, where the actual lily bulbs are. As clay soil is draining relatively slowly it will keep the bulbs in the water for an extended period of time which is not ideal.

Transplant Lilies From Pots To The Garden Or From Garden To Pots

You can actually transplant outdoor lilies indoors or the other way around. In this case, the transplant shock will be somewhat higher especially if you are transplanting an indoor lily outdoors. If you are transplanting outdoor lilies indoors then make sure to place them next to a well-lit window that gets at least a few hours of full sun every day. On the other hand, if you are transplanting indoor lilies outside then make sure to plant them in partial shade.

Key Takeaways

  • Although the summer is not the ideal period of time for transplanting lilies, you can still transplant them as long as you take a couple of precautions. Most importantly make sure to dig up the lily bulbs safely without damaging them. Ideally, you should make the transplant on a cloudy day, this way you will limit the transplant shock due to excess heat. While you are making the transplant make sure not to allow the bulb or the roots to dry up, so cover them.
  • You should avoid transplant shock as much as possible when doing a mid-summer transplant, so make the transplant as fast and as safe as possible.
  • Water the lilies a day before transplanting as it will be easier to dig them up and the bulbs will stay hydrated for a longer time.