Peace Lily Leaves Curling And Turning Brown ( Causes & Treatment )

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What do you do when those lush green leaves start to curl and turn an unsightly shade of brown? It’s like nature’s way of throwing a temper tantrum right in your living room. Let’s delve into the mysterious world of peace lily woes and figure out why this seemingly unflappable plant decides to go all curly and brown on you.

If you want to show off your peace lilies then my personal recommendation is to use a liquid leaf shine Click here to check it out on


Imagine your peace lily as a quirky member of a botanical family. Just like how your cousin might have inherited your aunt’s curly hair, peace lilies can inherit traits that make their leaves prone to curling and browning. It’s all in the genes, you see! Some peace lilies are just naturally more high-strung than others.

Harsh Sunlight

Peace lilies love light, but they don’t appreciate a scorching sunbath. Too much direct sunlight can lead to leaves curling and, you guessed it, turning brown. It’s like their version of a sunburn. If your peace lily is throwing shade at you, maybe it’s time to find it a slightly shadier spot. If the peace lily leaves are curling then check out my recent article Peace Lily Leaves Curling ( Top 9 Causes & Fixes ).

Excessive Heat

Picture this: your peace lily sitting in a room resembling a sauna. Hot air blowing from every direction. No wonder it’s curling up in protest! Excessive heat can sap the moisture from its leaves faster than you can say “humidity.” If your home feels like a desert, your peace lily might just be suffering from a bad case of heatstroke.

Dry Air

Peace lilies are drama queens when it comes to humidity. They adore moist air, and when it’s too dry, they retaliate. Curling leaves are their way of showing you they’re thirsty! So, if your indoor space feels like the Sahara, consider investing in a humidifier to keep your peace lily happy and hydrated.

Lack of Water

Water – the elixir of life for plants. Yet, it’s surprising how often we forget to water our green companions. Peace lilies are no exception. If the soil feels as dry as the Gobi Desert, those leaves will curl and brown, making a desperate plea for hydration. A little sip might be all they need to perk up.

Overwatering and Root Rot

On the flip side, drowning your peace lily in affection (read: water) can lead to an equally disastrous outcome. Overwatering can suffocate the roots, inviting the dreaded root rot. As the roots gasp for air, the leaves start to curl and brown, a distress signal from the depths of the pot. It’s all about finding that delicate balance. If your peace lily has brown tips then check out my recent article How To Treat Brown Tips On Peace Lily ( In 4 Steps ).

Damage From Bugs

Bugs, the uninvited guests that can wreak havoc in your green oasis. They nibble, they chew, and before you know it, your peace lily’s leaves are curling and browning from the assault. Keep an eye out for these tiny vandals and show them the door before they turn your plant into their personal buffet.

Nutrient Shortage

Plants, like us, need their nutrients. A shortage in essential minerals can lead to weak, curling leaves. It’s like expecting a stellar performance on an empty stomach. If your peace lily isn’t getting its fill of nutrients, it’s bound to protest with unsightly browning and curling.

Low Humidity

We’ve talked about peace lilies being humidity enthusiasts, but here’s the kicker – if the humidity drops too low, they suffer. Those elegant leaves start to curl and brown, a silent scream for more moisture in the air. Think of it as their way of saying, “Bring on the mist!”


Lastly, peace lilies, like many plants, need space to breathe. If your peace lily is growing like there’s no tomorrow, it might be overcrowded. This lack of space can lead to leaves curling and browning as the plant struggles to accommodate its expanding foliage. It’s the botanical version of feeling cramped in a tiny apartment. If your peace lily has brown spots then check out my recent article Brown Spots On Peace Lily Flower ( Causes & Treatment ).

How To Fix Culed And Brown Peace Lily Leaves

First things first, assess the environment. Is it getting too much direct sunlight? Is the air too dry? Investigate the possible causes we discussed earlier to pinpoint the issue.

Adjust Lighting

If your peace lily is getting too much sunlight, relocate it to a spot with bright, indirect light. Peace lilies prefer filtered light, so a few feet away from a window or behind a sheer curtain is ideal.

Control the Temperature

Maintain a comfortable room temperature, ideally between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations and drafts, which can stress the plant.

Increase Humidity

Increase humidity around the plant. You can mist the leaves regularly, place a tray of water near the plant, or invest in a humidifier. This extra moisture can work wonders for its leaves.


Ensure your peace lily is neither parched nor drowning. Water the plant thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry. Allow excess water to drain out to prevent root rot.

Re-pot if Necessary

If your peace lily is overcrowded, consider re-potting it into a slightly larger container with well-draining soil. This gives its roots more room to grow and breathe.


Inspect your plant regularly for pests. If you find any, treat your peace lily with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Remove affected leaves carefully to prevent the pests from spreading.

Feed Your Plant

If your peace lily has been in the same pot for a while, it might need a nutrient boost. Feed it with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) to replenish its nutrients.

Trim with Care

Trim away brown, curled leaves using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. Make sure to cut them at the base. This not only improves the plant’s appearance but also encourages new growth.

Monitor and Wait

After making these adjustments, be patient. It takes time for plants to recover. Keep monitoring your peace lily’s progress, and don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t bounce back overnight.