How To Grow Peace Lily In Water ( In 7 Steps )

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This aroid species thrives when its roots are partially submerged, making it a popular choice among indoor gardeners who appreciate its appearance without traditional pots. Many find it fascinating to observe the root system through a translucent vase. Some even claim that they can only maintain their Spathiphyllums in water and find these plants too delicate in soil.

How To Grow Peace Lily In Water

Make Sure That The Peace Lily Is Healthy

You’ll want a robust peace lily plant with lush green leaves and no indications of illness or infestation. If you currently have one growing in soil, we’ll discuss how to switch it to a water-based setup later in this article.

Pick The Vase

Thoroughly clean your selected container to ensure it is free of any dust or residue that might harm your plant’s well-being. It is advisable to go for a glass container instead of a plastic pot so that you can observe your plant’s root system and monitor water clarity.

Remove The Peace Lily From The Pot

Take your peace lily out of its current pot and carefully rinse the roots to eliminate any soil residue. This step provides an opportunity to inspect the roots for any signs of root rot, which manifests as black, soft roots. If you identify any affected areas, use sterile scissors or pruners to trim them away. Healthy roots should have a creamy white color and a firm texture. If you want to add coffee grounds to your peace lilies then check out my recent article first Coffee Grounds For Peace Lilies ( 7 Pros & Cons ).

Clean The Roots And Inspect Them

Delicately rinse the roots with lukewarm distilled water, aiming to completely remove all traces of soil while taking care not to harm the roots. You can use a gentle stream of water to assist in this process.

Examine the roots closely for any indications of root rot, and if you find any, carefully remove them using sterile scissors or pruners. The transition will be more successful with healthier roots.

Put The Peace Lily In The Vase And Fill It With Water

Ensure that only the roots of the plant reach the bottom of the vase, while the leaves and stems remain above the waterline to prevent rot. Fill the container with room-temperature distilled or rainwater until it covers the roots. Be cautious not to let the water touch the stem or leaves, as this could lead to rotting. If you want to know what kind of soil is ideal for peace lilies then check out my recent article Peace Lily Soil ( Fast & Easy ).

Acclimate The Plant To The New Growing Conditions

Fill a container with a mixture of water and a small amount of the soil from its original planting. Over the course of a week, gradually replace the water and reduce the amount of soil each time until the peace lily is growing in water only. This gradual transition can help minimize transplant shock.

Change The Water Every 1-2 Weeks

Place your peace lily in a well-lit area, avoiding direct sunlight, as it can be too harsh. Remember to replace the water every 1–2 weeks or when it becomes cloudy. Additionally, regularly inspect the plant for any signs of distress, and trim away any dead or dying leaves to maintain its health.

How To Care For Peace Lilies In Water

Maintaining a peace lily growing in water is quite straightforward, yet there are some crucial points to keep in mind.

Peace Lilies Thrive In Indirect Light

Exposing them to direct sunlight can lead to leaf scorching, while insufficient light may inhibit flowering.

To care for your peace lily, place it in a location with bright, indirect light. If natural light is scarce, consider using fluorescent lights as an alternative.

Change The Water Weekly Or When It Becomes Cloudy

Peace lilies thrive in soft water like rainwater or distilled water. Avoid hard water or tap water with high chlorine content, as it can harm the plant.

Since you’re growing it in water, there’s no need for traditional watering. Instead, replace the water every 1-2 weeks or when it becomes cloudy. This regular water change ensures your peace lily receives the necessary oxygen for survival.

During water changes, clean the container and gently rinse the roots to remove algae or potential bacterial growth.


Peace lilies thrive in warm and humid conditions. They grow best within a temperature range of 64°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). To ensure their well-being, avoid placing them in drafty areas or near air conditioning or heating vents.


Frequently examine your peace lily for any dead or wilting leaves, and promptly remove them. This practice allows the plant to focus its energy on new growth. When removing leaves, ensure you make clean cuts and avoid tearing them.


Although peace lilies can thrive in water alone, they might benefit from occasional feeding with a diluted water-soluble fertilizer or a liquid formula designed for water-cultured plants. Apply the fertilizer roughly once a month, adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper dilution and application. If you want to make your own fertilizer for your peace lilies then check out my recent article ( Top 6 ) Homemade Fertilizers For Peace Lilies.


Regularly inspect your peace lily for any signs of disease or pests. If you notice yellowing leaves, it may indicate excessive light exposure, and brown tips can be a sign of low humidity. In case of a significant or sudden leaf drop, conduct a thorough examination, as it could be indicative of a more serious issue.

Growing Peace Lilies Without Roots In Water

If you’re attempting to propagate a peace lily from a rootless clump, don’t worry. You can encourage root growth and nurture it into a healthy new plant.

To start, it’s important to note that you can also propagate an unrooted peace lily in soil with proper care. However, using water as a medium is an enjoyable method that can accelerate the process, offers a visual insight into root development, and adds an appealing decorative element to your windowsill.

Ensure that you only immerse the portion that was previously in the soil to prevent the cutting from rotting. It’s as simple as that.

Once you’ve set everything up, your task is to periodically change the water and monitor the root’s development progress. You can transplant the plant into the soil when the roots reach a length of about an inch or two (approximately 5 cm). However, you can also leave it in water indefinitely if you prefer.

Growing Peace Lilies In The Aquarium

Aquarium water enriched with fish waste is a houseplant’s idea of paradise. It contains nitrates and phosphates, serving as natural nutrients for your plant, eliminating the need for additional fertilizers. Your peace lily can also contribute to maintaining high-quality aquarium water. Additionally, the water’s circulation ensures an ample supply of oxygen, far superior to the still water found in a stagnant vase.

You can purchase specialized inserts designed to suspend a plant over the aquarium, allowing its roots to be submerged while keeping its leaves above the water. If these inserts aren’t readily available, you can consider crafting your own solution using coarse mesh or seek help from a friend with a 3D printer.

One thing to note is that aquarium lamps typically illuminate downward towards the water, which may not provide your peace lily with sufficient light. While they don’t require a lot of light to thrive, adding extra lighting can be beneficial if you notice the plant becoming too leggy.

Tips For Growing Peace Lilies In Water

Prevent Rot

Keep the crown of the plant above the waterline to prevent rot. Placing a plastic saucer under the plant can help maintain the right water level.

Add Decorative Accents

If desired, enhance the vase’s appearance by adding decorative rocks, marbles, or other accents to the bottom. Rinse these thoroughly to prevent cloudy water.

Use Purified Water

To safeguard your plant’s health and water clarity, avoid tap water with chemicals. Go for distilled water, rainwater, or well water when growing your Peace Lily hydroponically.

Fertilize Regularly

Since hydroponic plants don’t obtain nutrients from soil, monthly liquid fertilization is essential. Numerous hydroponic fertilizers are available; one good choice is Advanced Nutrients Bloom, Micro, Grow, which also helps maintain pH balance in the water.