How To Grow A Peace Lily In Water ( In 7 Steps )

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Peace lilies, with their lush green leaves and elegant white blooms, are adored by plant enthusiasts worldwide. Growing a peace lily in water is a fascinating venture, offering a unique perspective on plant care. If you’re intrigued by the idea of cultivating this beauty in a water-filled environment, you’re in the right place. Let’s embark on a journey to understand the nuances of nurturing a peace lily in water.

If you want to show off your peace lilies then my personal recommendation is to use a liquid leaf shine Click here to check it out on

How To Grow A Peace Lily In Water Step-by-Step Guide

Growing a peace lily in water is surprisingly straightforward. Here’s a simplified step-by-step guide to help you kick-start your water gardening adventure:

1. Selecting the Right Peace Lily

Start by choosing a healthy peace lily plant with vibrant leaves and no signs of diseases or pests. Opt for a plant with a robust root system, as this will facilitate water absorption. If your peace lilies have brown leaf tips then check out my recent article Should I Cut The Brown Tips Off My Peace Lily? ( Is It Necessary? ).

2. Choosing the Right Container

Pick a transparent container to allow sunlight to reach the roots. A glass vase or jar works wonderfully, offering both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

3. Trimming the Roots

Trim any damaged or rotting roots from the plant. Healthy roots are essential for water-based growth. Use a clean, sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears for this task.

4. Adding Water

Fill the container with distilled or filtered water. It’s crucial to avoid using tap water, as it often contains chemicals like chlorine and fluoride, which can harm the plant.

5. Sunlight and Location

Place your peace lily in a location with bright, indirect sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, so finding the right balance is key to your plant’s health.

6. Changing Water Regularly

Change the water every one to two weeks to prevent stagnation and root rot. This step ensures that your peace lily always has access to clean, oxygenated water. If your peace lily leaves are curling and also turning brown then check out my recent article Peace Lily Leaves Curling And Turning Brown ( Causes & Treatment ).

7. Patience and Observation

Be patient. It might take a few weeks for your peace lily to adapt to its water-based environment fully. Keep a watchful eye on the leaves and roots, making adjustments as needed.

How Long Can a Peace Lily Survive in Water?

Peace lilies are remarkably resilient when grown in water. With proper care, they can thrive for an extended period, often several years. However, it’s essential to remain vigilant and attentive to their needs. Regular observation allows you to identify any signs of stress or nutrient deficiencies promptly.

Will the Roots Rot If the Peace Lily Is Growing in Water?

While peace lilies can thrive in water, the risk of root rot is a concern that shouldn’t be overlooked. Root rot occurs when the roots are consistently submerged in water, leading to oxygen deprivation and decay. To prevent this issue, it’s crucial to change the water regularly, ensuring a constant flow of oxygen to the roots. Additionally, trimming any decaying roots during water changes can help maintain a healthy root system. If the leaves of your peace lilies are curling then check out my recent article Peace Lily Leaves Curling ( Top 9 Causes & Fixes ).

What Kind of Water Should You Use?

Choosing the right water is a critical factor in the success of your water-grown peace lily. Distilled or filtered water is the best choice, as it lacks the harmful chemicals often found in tap water. These chemicals, such as chlorine and fluoride, can hinder the plant’s growth and overall health. By providing your peace lily with clean, chemical-free water, you create an ideal environment for its aquatic journey.

How to Acclimate Peace Lily to Grow in Water

Acclimating a peace lily to a water-based environment is a gradual process that requires patience and care. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition for your plant:

1. Gradual Transition

If your peace lily is currently potted in soil, don’t rush the transition to water. Start by placing the pot in a shallow tray of water, allowing the roots to become accustomed to the moisture.

2. Trimming and Inspection

Before transferring the peace lily to a water-filled container, inspect the roots carefully. Trim any damaged or rotting roots to promote healthy growth in the aquatic environment.

3. Introducing the Plant to Water

Gently place the trimmed peace lily into the prepared water-filled container. Ensure that the roots are fully submerged but not overly crowded. Provide support for the plant if necessary, ensuring it stands upright.

4. Monitoring and Adjustments

Keep a close eye on the plant during the acclimation period. If you notice any wilting or yellowing leaves, make adjustments promptly. This could involve changing the water, adjusting the lighting conditions, or providing additional support for the plant’s stability.

How to Fertilize Peace Lilies Growing in Water

Fertilizing your water-grown peace lily is essential to provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and blooming. However, fertilization in a water environment requires a delicate approach to prevent overfeeding and subsequent issues. Here’s how to fertilize your peace lilies effectively:

1. Choosing the Right Fertilizer

Opt for a balanced, liquid fertilizer specifically formulated for indoor plants. Look for a fertilizer with a balanced ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) to support overall growth and flowering.

2. Dilution and Frequency

Dilute the chosen fertilizer to half or even a quarter of the recommended strength. Peace lilies are sensitive to strong concentrations, so a milder solution is preferable. Fertilize your water-grown peace lily every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).

3. Application Technique

Carefully pour the diluted fertilizer into the water, ensuring it’s evenly distributed. Avoid direct contact between the fertilizer solution and the leaves, as this can cause burns. Proper mixing and even distribution prevent over-concentration in specific areas of the container.

4. Observation and Adjustments

Monitor your peace lily’s response to the fertilizer. If you notice excessive leaf browning or wilting, it might indicate overfeeding. In such cases, change the water immediately to dilute the fertilizer concentration and observe the plant’s recovery.

How to Care for Peace Lilies Growing in Water

Caring for peace lilies growing in water involves a combination of attention to detail and responsiveness to your plant’s needs. Here are some essential tips to ensure your water-grown peace lily thrives:

1. Maintain Adequate Lighting

Provide your peace lily with bright, indirect sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, while insufficient light hampers its growth. Finding the right balance is crucial for healthy foliage and blooms.

2. Regular Water Changes

Change the water in your peace lily’s container every 1-2 weeks. This prevents stagnation, maintains oxygen levels, and reduces the risk of root rot. Clean water is vital for the plant’s overall health and vitality.

3. Trimming and Pruning

Regularly inspect your peace lily for any dead or yellowing leaves. Remove them promptly using clean, sharp scissors. Pruning encourages new growth and ensures that the plant channels its energy into healthy foliage.

4. Maintain Consistent Room Temperature

Peace lilies prefer consistent room temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Avoid placing the plant near drafts, heaters, or air conditioning units, as extreme temperature fluctuations can stress the plant.

5. Observe and Respond

Pay close attention to your peace lily’s behavior. If you notice any changes in leaf color, texture, or overall appearance, investigate the potential causes. Prompt action, whether it’s adjusting lighting, changing water, or trimming roots, can make a significant difference.

6. Enjoy the Blooms

With proper care, your water-grown peace lily will reward you with stunning white blooms. Enjoy the beauty and fragrance of these elegant flowers, and take pride in your successful water gardening endeavor.