( Top 6 ) Homemade Fertilizers For Peace Lilies

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Peace lilies flourish when you supply them with water-soluble balanced fertilizer, along with adequate light and water. In addition to enhancing the visual appeal with its white flowers, peace lilies can purify the air with their lush green foliage.

So, when it comes to choosing the ideal fertilizer for your peace lily plant, should you go with organic or synthetic fertilizer with a balanced NPK ratio?

To nurture a thriving and healthy peace lily plant, it’s crucial to provide a balanced fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 20-20-20. Using a water-soluble fertilizer every 6-8 weeks is the best approach for fertilizing your peace lily plant.

Nitrogen-rich fertilizers play a vital role in promoting overall plant growth and enhancing foliage. However, excessive nitrogen can have a negative impact on flower formation.

To become a successful gardener, it’s important to accurately determine the right frequency and quality of fertilizers.

The peace lily is among those houseplants that thrive in low-light environments, such as office spaces and living rooms. While fertilizing aids in producing captivating foliage, it’s crucial not to overdo it with this houseplant.

Some individuals choose to cultivate peace lilies outdoors, while others go for indoor planting, often near a window, which can be a suitable choice. If you want to use coffee grounds for your peace lilies then check out my recent article first Coffee Grounds For Peace Lilies ( 7 Pros & Cons ).

Homemade Fertilizer For Peace Lily

You can create a simple homemade fertilizer for peace lilies by mixing 1 tablespoon of vinegar into a gallon of water. When applied every three months, this homemade fertilizer helps preserve the essential minerals of the plant.

While the market offers a wide range of commercial plant fertilizers, you might be wondering which one is best for your peace lilies and if you can make it at home. If you want to know what is the best soil for your peace lilies then check out my recent article Peace Lily Soil ( Fast & Easy ).

Liquid Fertilizer Made With Grass Clippings

Grass clippings are rich in nitrogen, which supports the healthy growth of peace lily plants. To create a homemade fertilizer, soak grass clippings in an equal amount of water for three days. Afterward, strain the clippings and use the liquid fertilizer to enrich the soil in which your peace lily is growing.

Epson Salt Fertilizer

In a jug or pitcher, combine 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts with 1 gallon of water. Stir or shake the mixture thoroughly. Instead of a regular watering, apply this solution to your peace lily every 4 to 6 weeks. Remember to shake the container before each use. If you want to use your peace lilies to purify air then check out my recent article Peace Lily Air Purifier ( True Or False? ).


Every gardener should consider having a compost bin, as it serves a dual purpose of enriching plants with nutrients and reducing waste.

Backyard compost is created from a mix of kitchen leftovers, dry leaves, grass clippings, newspapers, and yard cuttings. It contains both macro and micronutrients that are essential for fertilizing peace lily plants.

Fish Tank Fertilizer

If you own a fish tank, collect the water from a tank cleaning in a clean jug. Give it a good shake and use it to water the base of your peace lily every month instead of regular watering. This homemade fertilizer will supply your plant with the essential nitrogen it needs.

Cow Manure

Using fresh manure is not recommended, as it can be too strong and potentially harm your peace lily. However, when planting, you can add composted cow manure around the root ball of the peace lily plant.

If you wish to fertilize your houseplant during the growing season, consider using a liquid fertilizer made from grass clippings.

Vinegar Fertilizer

Combine 1 tablespoon of white vinegar with 1 gallon of water in a jug or pitcher. Thoroughly mix or stir the solution and use it to nourish your peace lily once every three months, replacing your regular monthly feeding routine. The acetic acid in vinegar will gently enhance the soil’s acidity.

When to Fertilize Peace Lilies?

Fertilize your peace lilies during their active growth periods, avoiding the dormant stage. They should receive fertilization about three to four times evenly spaced throughout the growing season.

How To Fertilize Peace Lilies With A Commercial Fertilizer

To prevent brown leaves on your peace lily caused by fluoride and chlorine in tap water, use distilled water or allow tap water to sit overnight before mixing it with fertilizer. Always follow the dosage instructions provided by the fertilizer manufacturer.