Forcing Tulip Bulbs ( In 4 Easy Steps )

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Tulips that are growing in the ground will flower in early spring, although you can actually force them to flower whenever you want them to. All you need to do is to plan ahead and provide suitable conditions which will force them to flower.

Forcing a tulip refers to the process of potting the tulip bulb, recreating winter conditions, and inducing earlier blooming than its natural spring cycle. It is important to choose tulip varieties that are suitable for forcing. While you can successfully force a tulip to bloom earlier, it is not possible to force it to bloom later than its natural timing.

Forcing tulip bulbs is the process of tricking the bulbs into thinking that it is time to flower. This process is done by mimicking winter conditions, this is why you will have to chill down the bulbs in order to force them to flower.

Just because you can force the tulip bulbs at a certain time, doesn’t necessarily mean that it is a good idea. If you want to grow your tulips outdoors then you can force them to flower in the spring. If you force them to flower in the middle of the summer, then the flowers will not last because the leaves and the flower petals will be sunburned. On the other hand, if you are growing your tulips indoors, you can force them to flower whenever you want them to.

Fresh tulip bulbs are a lot easier to force to flower than older bulbs, mostly because with each passing season, the chances of older bulbs flowering are getting lower and lower. If your tulip bulbs are sprouting in storage, then check out my recent article Tulip Bulbs Sprouting In Storage ( Top 3 Reasons ).

Forcing Tulip Bulbs

Forcing tulip bulbs refers to the process of manipulating the bulbs’ growth cycle to achieve early blooms indoors, typically during the winter or early spring. The process involves providing the bulbs with a period of cold dormancy to simulate winter conditions, followed by controlled exposure to warmth and light to stimulate growth and flowering. To force tulip bulbs, start by selecting healthy, firm bulbs and placing them in a paper bag or ventilated container filled with peat moss or vermiculite.

Store the bulbs in a cool, dark location, such as a refrigerator or unheated garage, for a period of 10 to 14 weeks to ensure proper chilling. Once the chilling period is complete, transfer the bulbs to pots or containers filled with well-draining potting mix, leaving the tips of the bulbs exposed. Place the containers in a cool location with indirect sunlight and gradually increase the temperature and light exposure over time.

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Chilling The Tulip Bulbs

To force tulip bulbs to flower you will have to expose them to cold temperatures for 12-16 weeks. Temperatures below 55F ( 12 C ) are ideal for forcing tulip bulbs. These temperatures have to be fairly constant for around 12-16 weeks for successful flowering. Chilling tulip bulbs is usually done in the refrigerator, as the temperatures in the fridge are ideal for forcing the tulip bulbs.

Under no circumstances put the tulip bulbs into the freezer, while some of them might survive, but the chances of them getting damaged are way too high. If you are going to chill your tulip bulbs in the refrigerator then make sure to put them in paper bags, this way air can circulate.

If your tulip bulbs sprout in the fridge, then the temperatures are either not low enough or you have a new refrigerator. A lot of modern refrigerators have a special light that will allow plants to photosynthesize in the vegetable drawer, which in theory prolongs the lifespan of the vegetables. However, this can easily trick the tulip bulbs into actually sprouting in the refrigerator.

You can chill the tulip bulbs either in pots or wrapped in paper. Ideally, you would want to chill the tulip bulbs in pots, this way once it is time for them to sprout, you can simply take them out of the fridge and place them next to a window or outside. If your tulips are drooping then check out my recent article Why Are My Tulips Drooping? ( Top 10 Reasons & Remedies ).

Avoid Chilling The Tulip  Bulbs With Fruits And Vegetables

The biggest problem with forcing bulbs in the refrigerator is that these bulbs are prone to sprouting if there is ethylene gas in the fridge. Ethylene gas is released by fruits that ripen, and also by some vegetables like onions for example. If the tulip bulbs sprout in the fridge due to ethylene gas then you can throw them out, as these will not be developed enough to actually flower, and most of the bulbs will simply die after sprouting in the fridge.

Plan Ahead When You Want The Tulips To Flower

Now that you know that you will have to chill the tulip bulbs for 12-16 weeks to force them to flower, you can estimate when they will actually do. Just keep in mind that after the tulip bulbs have been chilled, and planted they will still need around 2-5 weeks until they will sprout outdoors. Chilled tulip bulbs that are plated outside will sprout slower if the outside temperatures are not high enough.

If you grow the tulip bulbs indoors, then they will sprout in 1-2 weeks after planting. Once the tulip bulbs have sprouted it will take an additional 2-3 weeks until they flower. If your tulip bulbs are soft, then check out my recent article Soft Tulip Bulbs ( Top 6 Reasons ).

Plant The Forced Tulip Bulbs Outside Or Indoors

Once the 12-14 weeks of chilling have passed, it is time to plant them either outside or indoors into pots. If you pot them up indoors, then they will sprout in a matter of days or a couple of weeks, mostly because the temperatures indoors are fairly consistent. Outdoors they might need a little bit more time to sprout if the outside temperatures are too cold. In case you want to force the tulip bulbs to sprout in the middle of the summer, then plant them indoors.

The outside temperatures for the tulips to flower in the summer will be way too high, usually, they will grow leaves but no flowers.

Key Takeaways

  • To force tulip bulbs you will need to store them in a cool and dark environment, for around 12-16 weeks. The temperatures should be below 55F ( 12 C ) this way the tulip bulbs will think that it is winter. Avoid storing the tulip bulbs in the refrigerator with other fruits and vegetables as these will release ethylene and trick the bulbs into sprouting in the ridge, Under no circumstances chill the tulip bulbs in the freezer, this does more harm than good.
  • Avoid chilling the tulip bulbs with vegetables or fruits, as these will release ethylene and this gas can trick the bulbs into sprouting.
  • After you have planted the forced tulip bulbs it will take around 1-2 weeks for them to sprout, after which 2-3 weeks for them to actually flower.